Multi-particle dynamics: Center of mass (CM) – CM of continuous bodies – motion of the CM – kinetic energy of the system of particles. Rotation of rigid bodies: Rotational kinematics – rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia - theorems of M .I –moment of inertia of continuous bodies – M.I of a diatomic molecule - torque – rotational dynamics of rigid bodies – conservation of angular momentum – rotational energy state of a rigid diatomic molecule - gyroscope - torsional pendulum – double pendulum – Introduction to nonlinear oscillations.
The Maxwell’s equations - wave equation; Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum, Conditions on the wave field - properties of electromagnetic waves: speed, amplitude, phase, orientation and waves in matter - polarization - Producing electromagnetic waves - Energy and momentum in EM waves: Intensity, waves from localized sources, momentum and radiation pressure - Cell-phone reception. Reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves from a non-conducting medium-vacuum interface for normal incidence.
Simple harmonic motion - resonance –analogy between electrical and mechanical oscillating systems - waves on a string - standing waves - traveling waves - Energy transfer of a wave - sound waves - Doppler effect. Reflection and refraction of light waves - total internal reflection - interference – Michelson interferometer –Theory of air wedge and experiment.Theory of laser - characteristics - Spontaneous and stimulated emission - Einstein’s coefficients - population inversion - Nd-YAG laser, CO2 laser, semiconductor laser –Basic applications of lasers in industry.
Photons and light waves - Electrons and matter waves –Compton effect - The Schrodinger equation (Time dependent and time independent forms) - meaning of wave function - Normalization –Free particle - particle in a infinite potential well: 1D,2D and 3D Boxes- Normalization, probabilities and the correspondence principle.
The harmonic oscillator(qualitative)- Barrier penetration and quantum tunneling(qualitative)- Tunneling microscope - Resonant diode - Finite potential wells (qualitative)- Bloch’s theorem for particles in a periodic potential –Basics of Kronig-Penney model and origin of energy bands.
Multi-particle dynamics: Center of mass (CM) – CM of continuous bodies – motion of the CM – kinetic energy of the system of particles. Rotation of rigid bodies: Rotational kinematics – rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia - theorems of M .I –moment of inertia of continuous bodies – M.I of a diatomic molecule - torque – rotational dynamics of rigid bodies – conservation of angular momentum – rotational energy state of a rigid diatomic molecule - gyroscope - torsional pendulum – double pendulum – Introduction to nonlinear oscillations.
The Maxwell’s equations - wave equation; Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum, Conditions on the wave field - properties of electromagnetic waves: speed, amplitude, phase, orientation and waves in matter - polarization - Producing electromagnetic waves - Energy and momentum in EM waves:Intensity, waves from localized sources, momentum and radiation pressure - Cell-phone reception.Reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves from a non-conducting medium-vacuum interface for normal incidence.
Simple harmonic motion - resonance – analogy between electrical and mechanical oscillating systems - waves on a string - standing waves - traveling waves - Energy transfer of a wave - sound waves - Doppler effect. Reflection and refraction of light waves - total internal reflection - interference – Michelson interferometer –Theory of air wedge and experiment. Theory of laser - characteristics - Spontaneous and stimulated emission - Einstein’s coefficients - population inversion - Nd-YAG laser, CO2 laser,semiconductor laser –Basic applications of lasers in industry.
Photons and light waves - Electrons and matter waves –Compton effect - The Schrodinger equation (Time dependent and time independent forms) - meaning of wave function - Normalization –Free particle - particle in a infinite potential well: 1D,2D and 3D Boxes- Normalization, probabilities and the correspondence principle.
The harmonic oscillator(qualitative)- Barrier penetration and quantum tunneling(qualitative)- Tunneling microscope - Resonant diode - Finite potential wells (qualitative)- Bloch’s theorem for particles in a periodic potential –Basics of Kronig-Penney model and origin of energy bands.